who can start a 529

Who Can Participate

Information on being a my529 account owner or beneficiary 

  • Who can open an account.
  • Who can be a beneficiary.
  • Who can contribute.
  • How to contribute.

Who can open an account? 

Anyone who is at least 18 years old and possesses a valid Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number. You do not have to be a Utah resident to open an account on behalf of a beneficiary. 

Who can be a beneficiary? 

Anyone with a valid Social Security or Tax Identification Number can be the beneficiary of your account. 

  • The account owner and beneficiary can be the same person. 
  • The account owner and beneficiary do not need to be related. 
  • The beneficiary does not have to be a Utah resident. 
  • The beneficiary must be younger than age 19 when designated on the account for a Utah resident account owner to claim a Utah state income tax credit or deduction. 

Who can contribute? 

Anyone can contribute to a my529 account. 

What can my529 do for …


Utah Residents


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