College Savings Estimator
Calculate your college savings needs
Planning for your child’s higher education, but not sure where to start?
my529 works with Invite Education to provide a financial calculator to help you plan.

You can utilize the my529 College Savings Estimator to adjust for location, beneficiary grades, current savings and monthly contribution
- Contrast expenses across multiple school categories (in-state vs. out of state, public vs. private) — or even compare specific schools once your student has narrowed things down to their favorites.
- Customize predictions to include only tuition, or include books, room and board — and even projected personal expenses.
- Set each child up with their own tab to accommodate multiple future graduates.
- Generate your personalized report to keep education savings on track.
Want more benchmarks for how much to save? Compare your estimates with College Savings Plans Network’s Roadmap For Their Future. It offers guidance at every age to prepare your child for higher education. It also has a tracker to demonstrate how setting aside just $10 a week can add up quickly over the years.
Don’t let the news about rising higher education costs overwhelm you. Saving small amounts early and often can add up over time, so use my529’s College Savings Estimator to determine your savings goals and develop your own custom roadmap.