The cost of college seems to rise as fast as children grow. Start saving early.
Contribution Methods
- Log in to your account to set up electronic contributions from your bank or credit union.
- Alternatively, submit a One-Time or Recurring Electronic Contributions Authorization/Change form (Form 200) by mail.
- Log in to your account to set up payroll contributions.
- Alternatively, submit a Payroll Contribution form (Form 205).
Bill Pay
Arrange online bill payments via your bank or credit union’s online bill-pay service.
- Mail a check to my529, PO Box 145100, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5100.
- The check should be payable to my529.
- Include the my529 account number and beneficiary’s name on the check.
Wire Transfer
Submit a Wire Transfer Notification form (Form 225), then you can initiate the transfer.
Special Occasions
Log in to your account to set up annual contributions to your account for special occasions, such as birthdays or holidays.
Gift Program
- Invite contributions from friends and family.
- Log in to your account to set up a gift page and code.
Utah state income tax refund
Are you a Utah taxpayer? Contribute all or a portion of your Utah state income tax refund to your my529 account(s).
Open a my529 account. Initiate a rollover from another 529 plan or from a Coverdell Education Savings Account into the new account by submitting an Incoming Direct Rollover form (Form 210).

“A low- and moderate-income child who has school savings of $1 to $499 … is about four times more likely to graduate from college.”
— Assets and Education Initiative. (2013). Building Expectations, Delivering Results: Asset-Based Financial Aid and the Future of Higher Education. In W. Elliott (Ed.), Biannual report on the assets and education field. Lawrence, KS: Assets and Education Initiative (AEDI).

Maximum account balance
- The amount: $574,000. my529 will accept contributions to your account or accounts until all account balances for the same beneficiary total $574,000.
- What it means: the maximum aggregate of $574,000 represents the maximum estimated cost of four years of college and two years of graduate school.
- Subject to change. To reflect the rising cost of higher education, my529 may adjust the maximum aggregate amount each year.

Gift limits
- Federal tax rules allow a person to give up to $19,000 a year ($38,000 for married couples) without incurring a gift tax.
- A provision for 529 plans allows a person to contribute $95,000 ($190,000 for married couples) in one year by treating the contribution as if it were made in equal installments over five years.