January 2022
January 2022

Highest rating—11 years running
In October, my529 received the top rating from Morningstar for the 11th consecutive year, unrivaled by any other 529 plan. my529 is pleased to earn this honor once again. What does the rating mean for my529 account owners? Read more.

Save early. Save automatically
Perhaps you already spend time at the beginning of each year to assess finances. It’s wise to take a moment to evaluate your 529 savings goals, too. If you haven’t yet, consider the upcoming America Saves Week an opportunity to do just that. Read more.

Tax documents to arrive this month
This month, my529 will send tax documents related to your my529 account transactions. These documents may help you prepare your 2021 tax returns. Read more.

2021 Make Your Mark winners
Eight Utah students have each won a $1,000 college savings scholarship in the 2021 Make Your Mark bookmark contest. The contest, sponsored by my529 and the Utah Board of Higher Education, invited students throughout the state to create an original bookmark design. Read more.

Internet? Study snacks? Just what is a qualified expense?
Pay for pencils. Pay for books. Pay for the ramen your student cooks? To find the answer to this question, start by remembering that your my529 account will pay for “qualified education expenses.” What is a qualified education expense? (Spoiler alert: ramen is included.) Read more.

It’s easy to contribute your Utah tax refund to your my529 account
Utah taxpayers can provide a boost to their my529 accounts via their state income tax refund. Account owners have the option to contribute all or part of their 2021 Utah state income tax
refund directly into their
my529 account(s). Read more.