October 2022
October 2022

New look for my529’s website
my529 may have the same address, but it now boasts a brand new look. No longer is my529.org the fixer-upper on the side of the information superhighway. The my529 team took the proverbial sledgehammer to the old site and replaced it with a fresh design. Read more.

Apprenticeships eligible for my529 funds
my529 recognizes National Apprenticeship Week from November 14-20, 2022, which highlights the value of educational and occupational opportunities available through apprenticeships. Did you know registered apprenticeships count as a qualified 529 expense? Read more.

Scary 101: Colleges offer spooky studies
Vampires, ghosts, zombies and spirits. Check out this list of unique university classes that might quickly put you in the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve. Read more.

Give a meaningful gift
This holiday season, you might be searching for a way to avoid adding one more video game to the cabinet, or another toy to the toy chest. Consider using my529’s Gift Program to contribute to the college savings of the child in your life. Read more.

2022 Year-end deadlines
my529 will record tax-year transactions based on the following deadlines. Read more.

Utah state tax benefits information
Maximum contributions for tax credits for the 2022 tax year. Read more.