Advisor-friendly tools for education

We hope you enjoyed the Insider’s Forum Conference!

Both advisors and clients win when clients invest for education with my529, Utah’s educational savings plan. With your expertise, clients gain the affordability and flexibility of one of the nation’s most respected 529 plans.

For advisors

• Limited power of attorney authorization to manage accounts.
• Integration with your preferred portfolio management platform.
• A range of investment options allows advisors to tailor educational savings portfolios to clients’ needs.
• Customizable investment option templates offer advisors the convenience of building, saving and applying portfolios.
• A dedicated my529 support team.

For clients

• Accounts are free to open and require no minimum contributions or account balance.
• Fees are among the lowest in the nation.
• A robust menu of underlying investments, including Vanguard, Dimensional and a PIMCO stable value fund.
• Earnings grow deferred from federal income taxes, and withdrawals are tax-free when used for qualified education expenses.

What Utah’s plan offers:

Low fees. As a direct-sold plan with no commissions, my529 is one of the most affordable 529 plans in the country.

Nationally ranked. Consistent winner of Morningstar’s top honor for 529 plans.

Investment options. An array to choose from, including two Customized options. Learn more.

Support for financial advisors. Digital processes, advisor-friendly tools, access to clients’ accounts and a dedicated my529 support team.

The my529 Professional Services Team would appreciate the chance to discuss whether our plan and advisor platform would be a good fit for your firm. Please click on the calendar icon below to schedule a time to meet with us. Or feel free to contact us by email at

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