Scholarship opportunities available for Utah students
Enter contests
my529 has two contests in which Utah students can win a $1,000 scholarship
- Book Your Summer
- Make Your Mark
Two my529 college savings scholarship opportunities are available for Utah students to consider.
Book Your Summer
The Book Your Summer reading award is a partnership between my529 and the Utah State Library to champion summer reading while promoting college savings. Parents can enroll their children in their local library’s summer reading program for a chance to win a $1,000 my529 college savings scholarship account. Four children up to age 18 from four state regions will each be awarded a scholarship account, while their respective libraries will receive $500 for books and media.
Book Your Summer is part of a campaign to raise awareness among Utah families about investing for postsecondary education with my529. Book Your Summer runs May 1 through July 31. Find the official rules at bookyoursummer.com.
Make Your Mark
During September’s National College Savings Month, my529 and the Utah System of Higher Education sponsor the Make Your Mark bookmark contest. Make Your Mark offers students a chance to win a $1,000 my529 college savings scholarship account.
Students in kindergarten through 12th grade can enter an original bookmark design within their appropriate grade category (K-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-12). Eight Utah students will each receive a $1,000 college savings scholarship account for their winning bookmarks. Throughout College Savings Month, my529 puts particular emphasis on encouraging Utah families to invest in their children’s education.

Find out more
Learn about my529’s scholarship opportunities for Utah students.