For Parents
Invest in your child’s future
You’ll watch your baby learn and grow. Open a path of possibility with a my529 account.
my529, Utah’s educational savings plan, can help you prepare now for your child’s educational future. It’s never too early to start, and you can save what you want, when you want.
When it’s time, your child can head to college, university or technical college to pursue their dreams.
Let my529 help you get there.

New parents: Get a free onesie
With our congratulations, my529 would like to offer you a free onesie when you open an account for your child using the promotional code MY529BABY and contribute $10 or more.
Please allow four to six weeks for delivery. Quantities are limited, and my529 reserves the right to discontinue the offer at any time.
To qualify:
- Both the account owner and beneficiary must be Utah residents.
- The beneficiary must be the child of the account owner.
- The beneficiary must be new to my529.
- The account must be opened before the child is 6 months old.

Resources for parents
Parenting topics
Spend some time with your kids teaching them about financial literacy or exploring different career paths. Here are some hints to get the conversation started.
A roadmap for their future
The College Savings Plans Network has created a guide to help parents and children prepare for school, higher education and […]
Making the grade for financial literacy
Activities for different ages help teach responsibility with money Learning about money at an early age sets children on a […]
Never too young to earn a scholarship

Book Your Summer
The Book Your Summer reading award is a partnership between my529 and the Utah State Library to champion summer reading while promoting college savings. Parents can enroll their children in their local library’s summer reading program for a chance at a $2,000 my529 college savings scholarship account. Book Your Summer runs May 1 through July 31. More info.
Make Your Mark

During September’s National College Savings Month, my529 and the Utah System of Higher Education sponsor the Make Your Mark bookmark contest. Make Your Mark offers students a chance to win a $2,000 my529 college savings scholarship account through an art contest. Students in kindergarten through 12th grade can enter an original bookmark design within their appropriate grade category (K-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-12). Eight Utah students will each receive a $2,000 college savings scholarship account for their winning bookmarks. Throughout College Savings Month, my529 encourages Utah families to invest in their children’s education.