my529 executive director talks 529 plans with TV’s Montel Williams

my529’s executive director, Richard Ellis, recently appeared on national talk show The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television, hosted by Montel Williams.

Ellis and Williams taped three segments where they discussed 529 plans and how the plans may benefit families like yours. The first two segments aired in early September and October. The last episode will air the first week of November.

529 plans are a way to save for your child’s future qualified education expenses, whether it be for university, technical college, trade school, registered apprenticeships or K-12 tuition. These plans offer tax advantages and feature a variety of investment options. People can decide on an investment option based on their goals and appetite for risk. The choice is theirs.

Now, thanks to the information Ellis and Williams discussed on The Balancing Act, more families across the nation can learn how 529 plans could offer a path to affording higher education.

We are so proud to have our executive director represent my529 on a national platform like The Balancing Act.

If you missed the show when it aired, don’t worry! You can still catch the segments on our website and learn more about how 529 plans may benefit you and your family. We encourage all of our account owners and prospective account owners to tune in and learn more about the importance of saving for education expenses.

my529 Executive Director Richard Ellis shakes hands with Montel Williams on the set of The Balancing Act.